Track, analyze, and manage your portfolios in one place

Your all-in-one solution for portfolio management. Import, analyze, and optimize your investments with ease.

Key Features

Unified Dashboard

Consolidate your brokerage accounts into a single dashboard.

Comprehensive Overview

View key metrics like Market Value, Time-Weighted Rate of Return (TWRR), Profit / Loss (PnL), and more.

Easy Import

Import activity from Interactive Brokers and Freetrade statements, or add records manually. (Support for more brokers is coming soon.)

Investment Themes

Group your holdings by assigning custom investment theme tags for better portfolio insights.

Data Export

Export holdings, ticker prices, dividend yields, and more data to CSV files, compatible with Excel, Google Sheets, etc.

Sign up for the closed beta

Be among the first to experience the future of portfolio management with nFólyo.